Panel 1: Tass turns back toward the Crow & Lyre door still muttering to herself, "You and everyone else."

Panel 2: A close up on Tass' hand as she grabs the door handle and pushes it open.

Panel 3: Vale is left standing in on the sidewalk as the door clicks shut, "Tass..."

Panel 4: The street outside the Crow & Lyre is empty, the windows of the tavern dark, the fog fades away.

Panel 5: Back in the present, Tass is once again standing outside the Crow & Lyre, Vale stands across the street. Tass examines her nails as she speaks, "Shouldn't have to tell you stalking's illegal."

Panel 6: Vale raises his eyebrows responding, "Who says I'm here for you?"


Round 2, fight!

2 thoughts on “84

  1. Ya ok Vale who ELSE would you be there for

  2. Lets see if Vale manages to avoid getting in his own way this round.

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