Round 2, fight!
Panel 1: Tass turns back toward the Crow & Lyre door still muttering to herself, "You and everyone else."
Panel 2: A close up on Tass' hand as she grabs the door handle and pushes it open.
Panel 3: Vale is left standing in on the sidewalk as the door clicks shut, "Tass..."
Panel 4: The street outside the Crow & Lyre is empty, the windows of the tavern dark, the fog fades away.
Panel 5: Back in the present, Tass is once again standing outside the Crow & Lyre, Vale stands across the street. Tass examines her nails as she speaks, "Shouldn't have to tell you stalking's illegal."
Panel 6: Vale raises his eyebrows responding, "Who says I'm here for you?"
4 thoughts on “84”
Ya ok Vale who ELSE would you be there for
Maybe he’s waiting for the bakery across the street to open
Lets see if Vale manages to avoid getting in his own way this round.
Ah but how much faith do we have?