Panel 1: Vale raises a hand toward his face, "To what? Demolish your career? Arliece was badly injured." Tass looks away, muttering, "She wasn't supposed to be there."

Panel 2: Vale asks "What?" Tass raises a hand to stop him, "It doesn't matter." He responds, "It does to me."

Panel 3: Tass still wont meet his eyes, "You wouldn't understand." Vale raises his hands to her arms but hesitant to actually touch her, "Try me."

Panel 4: Tass rolls her eyes, "Why? You've already made up your mind."

Panel 5: Vale closes his hands, dropping them away from her slightly as he asks, "What is that supposed to mean?"


Look, we all know this doesn't end well...

One thought on “83


    Arliece: I’m not even supposed to be here today!

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